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Friday, May 02, 2008


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i don't care either way, i respect the fact that she does what she has to do to pay the bills...I am too so you do your thing miss Tiffany Shepherd if you got it flaunt it and you defiantly got it baby;) need a job?...lol

wow , i think she like it too not just to pay the bills...lol

If there were CEOs in shorts and no shirt, then those guys need to lose their jobs as well.

nobodys bizzness what she does in her spare time

Poor girl gets fired, for looking good! Fat moms wanted her out, when they started noticing that dads were taking there kid's to school!

hello lets make love baby.im a sailor,write me from
[email protected]
bye ;)

hi tiffany :D

damn wat i would do if she was my teacher :)

Wow! I found Tiffany Shepherd nude video ...HeRe...
She so seXXXy ;)

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