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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


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I don't know if you play online poker on a regular basis but I have some (hopefully) helpful advice if you do.

Poker rakeback is a percentage of the fees you pay to enter a game given back to you by signing up with a poker rakeback site. One of the biggest at the moment is therakebackmafia.com, apparently they have the highest percentages and are one of the most trusted sites. I'd rather sign up using these guys than independantly and see 40% of my money back! I have a link:

poker rakeback

Please do leave a comment, your opinion on the site and if my info was useful!

You will see gas powered scooters for sale

Thanks for the review. On my way to buy this game.

how cool is this game. you can learn alot from this game.

Quite interested in this, will have to give it a go.

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