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Monday, April 18, 2005


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You need help my friend.

You know, I was just thinking about the picture thing. I acutally have a bunch of pictures of me in my photoblog that can be accessed through my site. The thing is, if any of us lose so much weight in 30 days that it's noticeable in a picture, that might not be all that healthy and the hanging skin will be UGLY! hahahaha

ack, read the rules. I guess I am out. Oh well, I will still keep you abreas (giggle giggle snort snort) of my progress. Why? Because if I don't I'll never do it.

Ok, I need to drop like 12-15 lbs. So, I will take the challange. From my starting point yesterday, I am down 1 lb. Do I need to make this official or anything? -jes


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