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Friday, August 20, 2004


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Incredible story! I couldn't imagine the pain the parents went through, hoping and praying for their little girl to pull through.
I'm very happy to see she has, and is healthy and entering high school. God works in mysterious ways and we shall never question it.

I wish the best of luck to the family and the not so little girl anymore.

God bless the family and the many years to come,

she is lovely hope she has a very happy life xxxx

wow thats amazng i am glad that that wasn't my child

aww bless its little cotton willy its sooo cute i wish it all the best luck and i truly mean that cause im hard .....

she is so small that is scary

I've read that the youngest surving baby was 21 weeks and 6 days http://www.local10.com/news/11053141/detail.html

i can't believe the baby made it....i'm glad that she made it and is doing good in life.

that baby is so cute i am so gald she made it now thats how you no some mircales do happen i mean look this baby has survived ..i am so happy for yall...well email me and let me no how she doing today...i am 17 years old and i couldnt imagen wat yall went trough i guess all that matters is that shes a live...lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shes so cute i feel so bad 4 da baby well im in 4th grade im 10 years old and i have a 1 week old baby sister that was that small but (sniffles) died (crying)

shes so cute i feel so bad 4 da baby well im in 4th grade im 10 years old and i have a 1 week old baby sister that was that small but (sniffles) died (crying)

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