Welcome to the #1 website dedicated to helping you protect yourself from online credit card fraud -- consumer and small business! You will also find resources on how to avoid the most popular scams, viruses and urban legends involving credit cards on the internet today.
Plus, we have the latest links to news stories about credit card fraud and scams throughout the world. www.OnlineCreditCardFraudPrevention.com will be your resource for reducing the likelihood of you falling to a Credit Card scam.
Disclaimer: This web site and its links are a collection of relevant information collected from various credit card companies, credit card processors, gateways, newsprint, and other sources. It is presented here in one place so that you, the consumer and small business owner, can keep aware of the latest problems concerning Credit Card fraud and scams. Alerts, news items, and postings should in no way be taken as a condemnation or approval of any company, person or process. Information is presented for your evaluation.