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Officials vow to crack down on identity theft

PROVIDENCE - Last year, Warwick Rep. Al Gemma introduced 14-pages of identity theft legislation, only to see it return from the Senate as a page and a half with all of the teeth removed from its provisions.

This year, with the 4,000 credit card numbers stolen by hackers from the state’s website still fresh in people’s minds, Gemma says there is new urgency to pass his bill as originally proposed.

Seconding that was Sen. John Tassoni, who introduced identical legislation in the Senate he says has the backing of Senate President Joseph Montalbano and Majority Leader Teresa Paiva Weed.

Calling identity theft "the crime of the 21st century," Gemma said his bill is targeted at credit card companies and other corporations that have access to people’s private financial and identification information but do not do enough to protect it. [Read more - PawtucketTimes]



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..it is saying it can't save because of a "Disk Error".
The program opened fine, and it's been working perfectly. Please help!

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