At least eight to ten homes in Hollygrove are now equipped with trailers for residents who wish to work on their home while living right in front of it, according to Herman Nathan.
He said the trailers sit empty as they wait for Entergy to hook up electric service. Nathan said the trailers already have sewerage and phone lines.
Entergy spokesperson Amy Stallings said the delay comes from a requirement that a licensed electrician inspect the property and obtain a permit before Entergy hooks up service.
According to Stallings, once the permit is in place and the licensed electrician has inspected the home, it will take between five and seven days to have service installed.
FEMA representatives said the process is going more smoothly in the city of Slidell where officials and Cleco (the power company serving Slidell) agreed that electrical contractors could hook up service without a permit.
Those representatives said that New Orleans hasn’t waived that process, but that officials are working to streamline the process.
Some residents aren’t waiting though, they’ve installed generators to power their temporary homes.
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Posted by: Jessie Tucker | December 01, 2005 at 11:06 AM