As told by a New Orleans blogger at New Orleans Metroblogging
Shock: Complete change of life in twelve little hours? Yeah, that counts as shock in my book.
Denial: I've been studiously avoiding the newscasts today. I'm a firm believer that no news is good news, even if the only reason there's no news is because I've got the TV turned off and I'm not checking email and I can't get cell reception. Of course, when curiosity finally got the better of me at 7:00 this evening, the headlines were worse than dire: efforts to sandbag the 17th Street Canal have failed, water is rising, and there's a mandatory evacuation order for the whole city. It's stupid to even ask, of course, but the superstitious side of me has to wonder: if I hadn't picked up that remote, would things have turned out differently?
Anger: Tonight on Fox News (why it was on, I don't know), a bunch of clean-shaven crackers were discussing the whole disaster relief thing for New Orleans, and from the get-go, the tone was one of, "Why should we help these people out when they knew this could happen? Why should we help people who choose to live in dangerous places?" At which point I was screaming at the television (it felt good), "Where in the Jesus H. MacGillicuddy would you rather we live? Florida? More hurricanes. California? Earthquakes, wildfires. Kansas? Tornadoes. New York? Terrorism hot-spot, asshole." I mean, really, is there anyplace fun to live that's immune to disaster?
Acceptance: Yeah, right.... We'll talk in a couple of months.
Today's bonus event: Shopping at the Lafayette SuperTarget (who knew there was such a thing?), I spotted Frank Trapani, the owner of Frankie & Johnny's furniture store (the one with the Special Man) in line behind me. I wanted to ask if he'd pose for a photo, but Jonno thought it might be tacky, seeing as how we're essentially refugees at the moment--kinda like asking Molly Brown for an autograph as she's watching the Titanic go down. Still, I coudn't resist taking a pic on the sly with my crappy cameraphone...
Again, help the Red Cross help others. Give generously. Thanks!
that is correct. these people knew what chances they took. no different than people in cali. they know they could fall off into the ocean, but they choose to live there. if you choose tolive in a probable problem area, then thats the chance YOU take. be prepared YOURSELF. it is not the worlds responsibilty to take care of you. look at all the people in NO that think the world owes them something. NOTHING is free...get a grip and face it ... its called reality people. you want help get off your butt and help TOO!
Posted by: tanja rochner | September 06, 2005 at 06:04 PM
the world is not coming to an end people...GOD is cleaning up an infected is one does it look to others watching LOOTERS stealing JEWELRY, designer clothes, appliances, etc...then you want to complain about "oh we were left to die" woe is me...well, you should have thought about that when you were steling for PLEASURE instead of necessity. all the decent people there have suffered because of "poor pitiful government wards that dont worry about what they lost, the government will give them new stuff just like they have received all their lazy, good for nothing lives. GOD will punish those people. you think its bad now...HELL IS WAITING ON YOU!
Posted by: tanja rochner | September 06, 2005 at 06:11 PM