- Participants must complete all Happy Club Application (YMCA) forms before participation.
- Participants must be sixteen years or older. Younger participation may be allowed at the coordinator’s discretion if he/she has appropriate social skills for group interaction.
- No person shall be excluded on any of the prohibited bases: race, sex, religion, and national origin.
- Participants must be mildly mentally handicapped. Participants must be able to communicate their needs (verbally or non-verbally), feed themselves and use the bathroom themselves.
- Participants must not be aggressive or violent.
- Participants must observe and abide by the Happy Club rules—based on the YMCA Character Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility.
Activity Conditions/Requirements
Participants must come prepared for activities—with appropriate clothing or other items required by the activity schedule, money, and having been fed if a meal is not planned. Program shirt must be worn at all activities unless otherwise stated on the activity schedule.
Participants must have appropriate social skills for group interaction and must follow the directions of Coordinator(s) and Volunteers or they will be restricted from future activities. Happy Club members are expected to treat others with respect at all times.
Activity Limits
Participation will be limited to a number determined by the Coordinator based on Participant-to- Volunteer ratio, transportation, and number of tickets available.
Activity Discipline
Happy Club membership is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, membership can be revoked at any time as a result of Participant’s or Family action.
Activity Transportation/Pick-up
Participants must have transportation to and from the meeting place. Volunteers should not be asked to provide transportatin for a Participant.
Under no circumstance should a Volunteer to be expected to stay after activities to wait for a Participant to be picked-up.